アジア生物学教育協議会にて「Best Presentation」を受賞!
見学地等(車窓見学も含めて):落合古墳群、岩出城・蚊山遺跡、逢(相)鹿瀬寺跡・女鬼峠、下三瀬城跡・瀧原宮・三瀬坂峠、大皇神社、熊野古道センター(ミニ講座、展示見学、古文書解読体験)、鬼ヶ城(国指定名勝の洞窟・城跡)、松本峠道(熊野古道)、花の窟神社(正式参拝)、尾鷲神社 (正式参拝)
On July 2 (Sunday) the Historical Society at Kōgakkan University sponsored a historical walking tour with 32 faculty and student participants. This year’s theme was “Connecting Japan’s Ancient Past with Its Contemporary Present: ‘The Old Road of Kumano’ (A World Heritage Site).” Christopher Mayo (Associate Professor, Communication Department) and Okada Noboru (Professor Emeritus, History Department) provided English and Japanese information about sites along the route.
By gaining hands-on experience with historical sites in Mie,
participants were able to see the actual sites for themselves, deepen their historical knowledge, and consider issues related to maintaining traditional cultural heritage and sharing information about it in English.
Historical Sites (including ones observed from the bus):
The Ochiai Tomb Mounds, Iwade Castle Ruins and Kayama Site, Ōkasedera Site, Meki Mountain Pass, Shimomise Fortress Ruins, Takihara Shrine, Daikō Shrine, Kumano Kodō Center (Mini lecture, viewing displays, reading historical documents), Onigajō (the caves and the medieval castle), Matsumoto Mountain Pass (walking the Old Road of Kumano),
Hana no Iwaya Shrine (formal worship service), and Owase Shrine (formal worship service)